We sometimes get this question via our Support Desk. But if you are the person experiencing sluggish performance, this can be really frustrating. We sure understand this frustration and want to do everything we can to help you get back to working quickly.
If things seem to be running slowly, there are a couple of things you can check to see if this is an issue with L2L or with your Internet or local network:
- If you have more than one site that has access to your server, have them try to log in and navigate through pages at the same time you are experiencing slowness.
- This will rule out the L2L server
- Try to isolate the network segment that is slow:
- Log on via cell phone
- Log on via home network
- Log on via corporate network
- Remove corporate firewalls or proxy servers from the network path
- Try bypassing the local corporate firewall
- If you are in China, route traffic through a VPN to another country instead of the local Chinese internet
- Are you experiencing issues connecting to other Internet sites? Try opening a new window, not just a new tab, maybe in a different browser, and see if you are able to access a different Internet site more quickly.
Here are some things that help us research and isolate any performance issues:
- When you contact us, please let us know the name of your company as well as the location of your facility.
- What were you working on when you experienced sluggish performance, page loading or response time? Including full, complete screenshots along with the URL, is extremely helpful.
- Is a process timing out and all you’re seeing is a swirling orb or hour glass that never progresses?
- If you are seeing any error messages, please include a screenshot and URL of the error message. These expedite our research and resolution of any problems as well.
Bear in mind that every web server can only support requests from a certain number of people at any given time. Once that number is surpassed, the page will load more slowly than usual. The more requests, the slower the response time.
This is where your local IT and Network Support teams can be very helpful to you.
- Ask if any processes or reports seem to be caught in a virtual loop.
- Are large numbers of data and resource heavy reports being generated simultaneously?
- Does API traffic seem higher than normal?
Does the system seem to be bogged down at the same times consistently? On the same days? Uncovering these patterns will help resolve issues more quickly.